
Urban Development: Land values are high (partly because the Lagoon and its bushland catchment are so appealing). Allowing urban development to replace bushland would provide high economic yield but once the bushland has gone, it cannot be replaced. Each new urban block contributes to the “death by a thousand cuts” of this valuable bushland area .

Seniors Living Proposals: Because of an unintended use of provisions for seniors living, there have been encroachments into bushland in the catchment that have resulted in elderly people living in places that are subject to high bushfire risk. New laws for bushfire protection, require that retirement living is provided with a wide cleared area of land around each building – resulting in further loss of bush.

High Impact Recreation: Narrabeen Lagoon catchment’s location within a city of over 4m people with an increased level of disposable income has made its bushland attractive for users of 4WD vehicles and trail bikes. But, unfortunately, these uses are destructive and the impacts need to be controlled.