FRIENDS OF NARRABEEN LAGOON CATCHMENT Environmental, Management and Cultural Features identified in the August 2015 FoNLC Workshop


A total of 86 features were identified by the community during the workshop held in August 2015.
The features were classified into 3 major groups: Cultural, Management and Environmental. These major groups were further separated into 10 feature types.

= 23 Cultural Features

* 11 features of Aboriginal Culture;
* 4 features of European Culture;
* 8 features related to landscape attractions.

= 41 Management Features

* 5 dog pollution features to be referred to Council;
* 4 illegal dumping locations
* 10 features identifying possible hazards;
* 2 identified pollution issues;
* 20 locations with erosion issues.

= 22 Environmental Features

* 2 sites with presence of invasive weeds;
* 20 features related to fauna and flora.

People working on the maps at the forum

A table was produced that identified the land manager or authority responsible for each item and actions to be taken as a follow up from this workshop. FoNLC committee is working through these actions. The ecologists from GIS Consulting are following up on the reports relating to valuable fauna and flora.