Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment seeks

Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment’s mission is to seek the permanent environmental protection of the remaining bushland in the Catchment area of Narrabeen Lagoon.

Garigal National Park is the only area in the catchment that has permanent environmental protection. This National Park is only 17% of the catchment area: most of the remaining land is privately owned including the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council. 

Only small areas are under the control of the NSW State Government or Northern Beaches Council.

Judith Bennett accepts, on behalf of FoNLC the Caring for our Waterways award in 2021 from Northern Beaches Council

This is an aerial view of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment.

A large area is owned by Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council.

This is a  2017 map of Narrabeen Lagoon State Park.

Can you help us achieve bushland protection?
We would welcome your membership.

Michael Regan, MP, holding a model of a lizard together with members of the public in Parliament House on June 29,2023

0n June 29,2023,
Michael Regan, MP,

presented in parliament the petition arranged by Envirolink and signed by 12000 people objecting to the proposal from Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council that would involve a residential area of 430 dwellings to be built where currently there is valuable bushland supporting a range of native wildlife.

The Story of Narrabeen Lagoon

Black Swans. Photo: Ian Ralph