
Check out these outdoor activities on the Lagoon or in the catchment and book yourself in for one of them.


Catchment Bushwalks / Bushwalking Activities
Walk and Weed along the Slippery Dip Track
Saturday September 18, 2021 (7:30 - 11:30)

If NSW restrictions are eased, as promised, from Sept 13, then we will be able to have 5 people participating. We are asking that only people who have had two shots of Covid-19 Vaccination apply to join us.

Tetratheca glandulosa
Boronia serrulata
Fringed Lily
Bush regenerators
Bush regenerators

Bush Regeneration

Bush Regeneration - Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment

This is a wonderful way to become connected to nature and contribute to the health of the environment.  Over the weeks and months you can see positive changes as you give native species a better chance to thrive.  Wildlife appreciate the improvement in their habitat.

Belrose area – Thursday mornings
Belrose area – Weekend mornings by arrangement
Contact: Phone or text Conny Harris on 0432 643 295

Wheeler Creek – Wednesday mornings 9-11am
Contact: Phone or text Judith Bennett on 0402 974 105

Or email: Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment


Narrabeen Lagoon Ecopaddle
Narrabeen Lagoon – first time exploration of South Creek – Sunday October 17 at 1pm

Some enterprising locals have just removed many of the dead trees that have prevented us from accessing this lovely waterway – up until now! We’ll set off from Jamieson Park and make our way to the Western Basin, where over 100 Black Swan have taken up residence. Then into South Creek where we should be able to paddle all the way up to the weir. All kinds of wonderful creatures live in South Creek and they’ll be on display for us – bring your camera. Time permitting we’ll also explore beautiful Middle and Deep Creeks. Deep Creek attracts migratory birds from as far away as Russia. We’ll show you an amazing relic from World War 2 and take a break at a lovely spot in Garigal National Park. Come on your own or bring your mum or offspring for a relaxing, fun and informative afternoon. Led by Tony Carr, former president of Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment.

Suit first timers – grade easy – tuition provided. 

Grade: Easy.  

Just $88 for kayak hire.

Paddlers setting off
Happy Paddlers
Kayakers in Deep Creek
Deep Creek paddle